3 Way Conferences and Student Goal Setting
3 Way Conferences involves parents, students and teachers in reflecting on student progress and setting future goals. They provide student voice to discussions about progress and place students at the hearts of the assessment and reporting process. 3 Way conferences strengthen the partnership between home and school and allow students to see their parents and teachers working together for them.
How are 3 Way Conferences different to parent teacher interviews?
3 Way conferences involve the student in the discussion about their progress as a learner. The student can provide information about what they have learnt so far, what their next steps in learning are, and the progress they are making towards their goals.
What happens during a 3 Way Conference?
3 Way Conferences are usually scheduled towards the end of Term 1. This allows time for the students to adjust to a grade, learn some content and start working on some goals with their classroom teacher.
Each conference is timed, and to ensure we can keep to schedule, teachers will help their students select 2 goals prior to 3 Way Conferences based on their learning progress so far. A week or so prior to conferences, these goals will be sent home for students to have a discussion with their parents about what they might like as a third goal. Watch the brief (5 minute) video below to learn more about goal setting with your child.
You will be able to book 3 Way Conferences through our Sentral booking system when it becomes live.
On the day, your child can bring along their proposed goals to discuss with you and their teacher. When the goals are finalised, a copy is recorded on their goal sheet (paper for K-2, digital in their class OneNote for 3-6).
Your child will then continue to work on their goals at school, and have the opportunity to comment on them in their report. As students achieve their goals, they can adjust them in class in consultation with their teacher, to ensure that they are always motivated to progress.
3 way conferences provide a forum for teachers, students and parents to acknowledge student progress and achievement. They are a valuable avenue for involving parents and students in the learning process and helping parents understand the teaching, learning, assessment and reporting process.
Student Goal Setting: A guide for parents
Please see the video below for more information on setting meaningful goals.