John Palmer Public School is a vibrant, rapidly growing school located in one of Sydney's newest suburbs, The Ponds.
Set within spacious, landscaped grounds, and offering state of the art facilities, our school provides a comprehensive curriculum designed to meet the learning needs of individual students. Emphasis is placed on literacy, numeracy, technology and positive student welfare programs. A variety of extra curricula activities provide opportunities for students to develop an extensive range of interests and skills.
Dedicated and enthusiastic staff work together with the community to provide an environment of the highest quality where students are encouraged to be safe, to show respect for themselves and others, and to make the most of learning opportunities provided for them.
Our school is a member of The Ponds Learning Community.
John Palmer Public School students excel in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits, gaining recognition at local, state and national level. The current student population is close to 900 students, 50% of whom have a language background other than English.
The enrolment catchment area for John Palmer Public School can be found on the SCHOOL LOCATOR. Because the enrolment ceiling for the school has been reached, it is closed to non-local enrolments.
For more information about our school, please download our School Information Booklet